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Earn money online on Upwork as Freelancer

How to Become a Freelancer and Get Paid on Upwork

This blog will guide pinoy freelancers with the essentials into making a standout profile, finding well-paying jobs, creating lasting client relationships, and managing earnings on Upwork.

Mabuhay, mga ka-freelancer! The chance to work from home or anywhere and pick projects that match our skills and interests makes freelancing a top choice. Among platforms offering a gateway to freelance jobs, Upwork stands out. It’s where your skills, in digital marketing, SEO, or Google Ads, catch the eye of global clients keen on working with talented folks.

Freelancing is the art of trading hours for dreams. Each project paints a stroke of independence, each success frames self-growth, and the canvas of opportunities is boundless!


The journey to becoming a freelancer and unlocking endless opportunities to make money online starts with a click. But before diving into the sea of freelance jobs, it’s key to know what awaits. A big draw is the chance to earn well.

On average, a freelancer in Philippines is earning around PHP 16,000 to PHP 28,000 monthly. These figures aren’t mere numbers. They echo the booming freelancing community in the Philippines.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro looking to expand your freelancing portfolio, or a newbie keen to explore the freelancing world, Upwork is a platform that can help meet your work dreams.

In our blog we’ll dig deeper into how to make a standout profile, find well-paying jobs, connect with clients, understand fees, and importantly, how to get paid for freelancing.

Table of Contents

  1. Craft Your Upwork Profile
  2. Finding Jobs on Upwork
  3. Working with Clients
  4. Upwork’s Fees & Payments
  5. Start Your Freelance Career Today

So, kapit lang, as we unravel the steps to kickstart your freelancing journey on Upwork!

Craft Your Upwork Profile

Your profile is your identity on Upwork. It’s the first thing clients see when they come across your name. A captivating profile can significantly increase your chances to get clients and get paid. It’s your virtual handshake, giving clients a glimpse of who you are, what you do, and how well you do it. Especially in the competitive realm of digital marketing, SEO, and Google Ads, a robust profile can be your ticket to landing those sought-after freelance jobs.

List Down Your Skills

List down all the skills you possess. Are you a wizard with Google Ads? Or perhaps SEO is your playground? Make sure to mention every skill that can add value to a potential client.

Show Previous Experience

Your journey and accomplishments in the freelancing world or in a particular field like digital marketing should be highlighted. Let the clients know about the projects you have worked on, the challenges you overcame, and the successes you achieved.

Add Work Portfolio

A picture is worth a thousand words. And when it comes to freelancing, a well-compiled portfolio can speak volumes about your capabilities. Include samples of your work, client testimonials, and anything else that can showcase your proficiency and experience.

List Your Certifications

If you have any certifications, especially in top-rated specializations, don’t hesitate to flaunt them. It adds a layer of credibility and professionalism to your Upwork freelancer profile.

Creating a stellar profile is your first step to embark on the freelancing journey on Upwork. It’s more than just a page; it’s your digital storefront. So, make it as inviting and professional as possible.

Finding Jobs on Upwork

The heart of freelancing lies in finding the right jobs that not only align with your skills but also hold the promise of rewarding pay. The platform is bustling with a plethora of freelance jobs waiting for the right freelancer to snatch them up. The keywords here are patience and persistence. To carve a niche for yourself, it’s crucial to sift through the jobs that match your expertise and bid on them with well-crafted proposals.

Craft Personalized Proposals to Attract Top-rated Clients

When applying for jobs on Upwork, it’s vital to personalize your proposal. A generic proposal can get lost in the sea of applications. However, a tailored proposal that addresses the client’s needs and shows a clear understanding of the project stands a higher chance of catching the client’s eye.

Whether you are bidding on digital marketing projects or SEO assignments, make sure to highlight your expertise in the proposal. Showcase your previous successful projects, the strategies you employed, and the results achieved.

Clients on Upwork are looking for freelancers who can add value to their projects. Discuss how your skills and experience can help the client achieve their goals, and why you are the best fit for the job.

Be clear about your rates, availability, and the deliverables you can provide. Transparency in communication lays the foundation for a good working relationship.

Don’t hesitate to follow up if you haven’t heard back from the client. A polite follow-up can show your genuine interest in the project.

Navigating through the job listings and crafting winning proposals might seem daunting at first, but with each bid, you’ll become more adept at pitching your services. The aim is to become a sought-after freelancer on Upwork, one who clients trust and prefer to work with.

Working with Clients

The essence of being a successful freelancer on Upwork not only revolves around finding good projects but also nurturing positive relationships with clients. A happy client can provide repeat business, excellent ratings, and referrals which are gold in the freelancing world.

  • Open Communication. Keep the lines of communication open. Update your clients about the progress of the work, ask for feedback, and be responsive to their queries.
  • Understand Requirements. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the project requirements before diving in. If in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.
  • Meet Deadlines. Respect deadlines. Delivering quality work on time is a testament to your professionalism and commitment.

Delivering Quality Work

Becoming a top-rated freelancer on Upwork isn’t an overnight success. It’s a journey paved with dedication, quality work, and excellent client relations.

  • Quality Over Quantity. Don’t chase too many projects at the expense of quality. It’s better to deliver excellent work on a few projects than mediocre work on many.
  • Keep Learning. The digital world is ever-evolving. Stay updated with the latest trends in your field, be it digital marketing, SEO, or any other domain. Continuous learning not only enhances your skills but also makes you more attractive to clients.
  • Request Reviews. After successful project completion, politely ask your clients for reviews. Positive reviews can significantly boost your profile, making you a preferred choice for future projects.

Your journey as a freelancer on Upwork is a blend of excellent work, good client relationships, and a thirst for continuous improvement. This trifecta can pave the way for a fulfilling and financially rewarding freelancing career.

Upwork’s Fees & Payments

Becoming a freelancer on Upwork is free, but once you start earning, Upwork has a fee structure in place. Up until recently, the platform had a sliding fee scale based on the lifetime billings with a client. However, from May 3, 2023, a new fee structure has been rolled out. Now, a flat service fee of 10% is charged for all new contracts, making the earning and fee process more straightforward.

Receive Payments

Getting paid on Upwork is a straightforward process. After successfully completing a job, the payment is processed and held in a pending area for a safety period. Post this period, the funds are made available for withdrawal. 

You can choose various withdrawal methods including bank transfer, PayPal, or Payoneer. Withdrawing your hard-earned money should be as hassle-free as possible. 

Step-by-step guide to transfer your earnings from Upwork

From Upwork to PayPal

  1. Log into your Upwork account and click on the ‘Withdraw Funds’ tab;
  2. Select ‘PayPal’ as your withdrawal method;
  3. Enter the amount you wish to withdraw and click ‘Continue’. The funds are then instantly deposited to PayPal with a $2 deduction.

From PayPal to GCash

  1. Open the GCash App on your phone;
  2. Tap on the REMITTANCE tab, then select PayPal;
  3. Enter the amount you wish to transfer. This transfer is instant;
  4. Alternatively, you can link your PayPal account to your GCash app, then start withdrawing your available balance from PayPal to GCash.

Handling your finances wisely as a freelancer on Upwork is crucial for a sustainable freelancing career. By understanding the fee structure and mastering the process of withdrawing your earnings, you’re one step closer to financial freedom in the freelancing world.

Start Your Freelance Career Today

While there are other platforms like Freelancer, Fiverr, and Toptal, Upwork stands out. It excels in fostering long-term partnerships with clients. It values quality and professionalism, making it a top choice for lasting client relationships.

The sky’s the limit when it comes to the range of projects and the diversity of clients you can work with on Upwork.


In the Philippines, freelancing is a rewarding remote work opportunity. Proficiency in English is a big asset, making Pinoys attractive to international clients. Upwork offers a vast range of projects and diverse clients. Whether it’s digital marketing, SEO, or other freelance jobs, the opportunities are endless.

The freelancing journey is full of learning, growth, and financial rewards. Gradually building your profile, showcasing your skills, and delivering quality work will pave the way for success. With each completed project, positive review, and satisfied client, you inch closer to a reputable profile.

Share this blog article with your fellow freelancers, friends, and anyone looking to explore the freelancing domain. Let’s help each other grow in the freelancing community and create a wave of successful freelancers from our beloved Philippines. Share away, mga ka-freelancer, and here’s to your success on Upwork!

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